Safety in Escape Rooms
Many of our visitors are nervous at the idea of entering an escape room. They browsed the internet and got the gist of it: you are locked inside a room without being able to get out on your own.
“What happens if you need to use the bathroom?” they ask. “Would you open the door for that?”
It is a completely logical question. Don’t worry, we have a reassuring answer.
No doors are ever locked
While visiting us at Escape Stories, you will never be locked inside a room. The door will be closed behind you for the sake of privacy, but for reasons of security it will never be locked. You can leave the game whenever you want in case you feel like the experience is too intense, or even if you just need a glass of water.
Note that our policy is not by any means the international policy. There are escape room companies both in Sweden and abroad that do lock the doors completely, or even chain their guests inside the rooms. Sometimes they offer some sort of “Panic Button” arrangement that in case of emergency will open the door from the inside. We recommend you check what the company says before booking with them.
Clear and established safety precautions
There has never been a fire in a Swedish escape room. If an accident should ever occur, we at Escape Stories have well prepared precautions. Our staff are constantly monitoring the facility and the guests inside the rooms. We have cameras everywhere and can see our guests even if the light is out.
There are emergency exits from every room, with clear signs, leading into two from each other independent exits from the building. Emergency doors are marked as such and are separate from normal game activity, meaning they are not doors that visitors are intended to open in order to advance in the game. If the power goes out all rooms are equipped with an emergency light that automatically comes on. The same goes for the electronic guide markers in every room. All Game Masters are regularly informed on fire routines and there is extinguishing equipment in two places. Our lobby is also a certified fire cell with an automatic ventilation throttle. We inform visitors about emergency doors at the beginning of every game, where we also show what the emergency doors look like.
Always check with other escape room companies that they are following the guidelines for safety and evacuation before you book with them. Escape Stories were evaluating by a certified fire inspector during the spring of 2019 and we have invested a lot of time in you feeling safe while visiting us. If you still have questions, do let us know!